Exit The Job That's Killing You With Style and Confidence

Whether you're leaving by force or choice.

Leave that job that’s been dragging you down with class and confidence. We’ll help you make sense of all of your options, understand your rights, and inspire you to exit into something even better! 

“I’m Determined to Jump Ship Before They Fire Me.”

Any of these describe your current ~situation~?

You’ve been put on the dreaded Performance Improvement Plan but your boss has no interest in helping you “improve,” he’s much more interested in micro-managing you while he watches re-runs of Friends on the DL.


OR, you’ve been sneaking into work later and later, hoping no one notices that you’re doing the bare minimum, wishing they’d just lay you off already - this work doesn’t light you up anymore but it’s crazy to walk away from a gig when people who get laid off get severance.  


You've been procrastinating making any changes when your boss says you’re a terrible employee - they must know the truth about you, right? 


You want to walk away, but you'd ALSO rather be stuck in a meeting on a Friday at 6pm than:

  • Let this company get away with how they treat you.
  • Leave without getting the same severance Lou from accounting got when they fired her.Allow your boss to control the story about how you left the company.
  • Walk away without trying to get the company to change its discriminatory practices.

Whether you're being pushed out, hate everything about your day-to-day, or don’t know how to bring a problem to HR, you're looking for a better way to make an exit and improve your work life.

You’ve been craving a new start. You want to reinvent yourself & your work. You want clarity around what you’re entitled to by law, what you can ask for from your lame employer, and how to leave without burning all the bridges. You’re over this dead-end job and you want to find a way to leave while maintaining your sanity and composure.

Heddy’s Work Fail is Pioneering an All-New Way to Exit a Gig that Isn’t Working So You Can Find Something that Does.

Work isn’t what it used to be. 50 years ago people would get hired at one company and stay there for 40 years and then retire with a gold watch and a pension. No more. Today the average person will have 12 jobs throughout their lifetime and stay at any given job an average of just over 4 years. Younger workers stay even less time than that - workers ages 25-34 stay a median of 2.8 years.

Very few roles offer pension (most of the time we’re excited if they offer a retirement plan we can contribute to. And no one talks about how you keep your sanity as you leave one gig and transition into the next one.

This isn’t your parents’ job market.

While we work we are also plotting. Plotting how to get the attention of our boss, plotting how to get a raise, and sometimes, plotting how to leave.

Everyone has their own reason for leaving. Some of them include:

  • You were forced out by a manager who never wanted to work with you in the first place.
  • You were a victim of the company’s third round of layoffs (never mind that they gave the executives a salary increase this quarter)
  • You find the work tedious and know there has to be a better way to spend your time.
  • You want to start your own business.
  • Your work bestie made the leap to another company and you’re thinking about following her.

However you found yourself here - you’re on your way out. 

But no one has taught you how to do this. You want to remain on good terms with your team, but also protect yourself (and maybe get some more severance on the way out the door?)

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style walks you through every step of exiting a gig that is no longer working for you.

Introducing Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style

Walk Away from a Job That Isn’t Working Feeling Confident - Even When You Were Fired.

The Work Fail Guide has three goals. It will:

Explain Where You Stand Legally

You can't feel confident if you don’t know what your rights are. You aren’t ready to enroll in night classes at your local law school, but you want to understand what your employer is allowed to do (and how they aren’t allowed to treat you). You probably don’t want to take them to court (but maybe you do?) And talking to an Employment Lawyer is so expensive. You won’t have peace of mind until you get a sense of where you stand. The Guide focuses on the key areas you should be aware of when leaving a job, namely discrimination law. We’ll help you think through whether you have a case and point you in the direction of how to approach your employer if you do.

Prepare You to Walk Away (Or be Laid Off)

The Guide is here to make you feel empowered to take the next step. Often we are given clues about an exit coming (like Performance Improvement Plans and talk of layoffs) - we’ll spell out those clues and offer approaches for how to handle them - if you want to stay or go. The Guide offers checklists and scripts so you feel ready to respond when the time comes (and you’ll know when that is).

Leave You Feeling Confident and Ready for Your Next Great Gig

According to the Department of Labor, losing a job is one of the most traumatic things that can happen in your life. It feels devastatingly personal. Along with multiple hits from loss of income, status, daily structure, social support, self-esteem, and identity, there's also the inherent uncertainty that often comes with mapping out your next career move. The Guide is designed to help you take back control. By giving you strategies to talk with your employer and future employers you’ll feel confident to make the jump to your next great thing.

The Secret? Exiting in Style.

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style is our proprietary framework for taking back the way you leave.

We know exiting a job is not always your choice - but you CAN choose how you leave, even if the ultimate decision isn’t up to you.

✅ Our Guide explores the basics about key employment law terms - so you can understand where you stand. You’ll be able to use this knowledge to determine if it’s worth pushing back on your employer.

✅ We translate that knowledge to practical, useable advice so you feel ready to have hard conversations and advocate for yourself.

✅ As you speak up for yourself, you’ll gain more confidence and control over your narrative - which is key to bouncing back in style.

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style is designed to empower you. You’ll feel ready to stand up for yourself throughout this experience and the next hard work event (because more likely than not, it’s coming!) You’ll be armed with scripts, checklists and the tools you need to advocate for yourself at work.

Are you thinking of slinking off into the sunset with your tail between your legs because your boss totally hates you? Have you stayed in the shadows at working hoping they’d just lay you off (because then you’d at least get severance)? Were you told you’re going on the dreaded Performance Improvement Plan but don’t understand what the hell they want you to do differently? You can take control of this situation.

The Guide will show you a better way. Because you are a GREAT employee - you just haven’t found the right company (yet). And knowing how to share that with your employer on the way out the door? That’s what we’re here to help with.

The Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style encourages you to reclaim your power on your way out - you’ll never be afraid of walking away from a bad job again.

Heddy's Signature Work Fail Approach

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style will walk you through five modules that cover all of the questions our clients have asked as they think about leaving their jobs. You can read through the Guide in order or skip to the sections you feel are most relevant to you right now.

If you aren’t sure that you want to leave, fear not! The Guide will help you get clear on where you stand at work, so you’ll feel more prepared to make that decision.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll find in Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style:

Knowing Where You Stand

There are all kinds of ways to “work” for a company. Knowing what role you play is critical to positioning yourself  to exit with Style. There are dozens of different ways the law classifies workers. We’ll help you clarify what kind of worker YOU are so you understand what you’re walking away from (or how to ask to become a different kind of worker).

All About Discrimination

“Discrimination” is a term that gets thrown around a lot in toxic workplaces, but what does it really mean? We explore the most common types of discrimination found in the workplace and provide real-world examples of what they look like so you can determine if you might have a case.

Don’t want to go to all the trouble of bringing a case? Don’t worry, we’ll talk you through how to use the knowledge that discrimination may be happening to change your workplace or help you ask for more money as you exit.

What to Do Before You Quit

Walking away is rarely a spur of the moment decision. You think about it and wonder what you need to do to be protected. The Guide will spell out all of the things you might want to try out before you quit. You’ll be ready to check things off our “List of Ducks to Get in a Row Before I Quit” list at the end of this section.

Don’t know what to say when it’s time to have that hard conversation? We’ve got you - we have sample emails to send to get the ball rolling and scripts that clients have used in the past to kick-off the discussion.

Taking It To Court

If you think you may want to take your employer to task Law and Order style, we’ll talk you through the basics of the various ways you might do that and talk you through ways to fund that endeavor. While we don’t recommend any specific lawyers in the Guide - we will talk you through how to find a good one, and what questions to ask them before you hire someone.

Don’t know what to say when it’s time to have that hard conversation? We’ve got you - we have sample emails to send to get the ball rolling and scripts that clients have used in the past to kick-off the discussion.

Managing the Feels

All of this turmoil can lead to major upheaval in your life. This last section offers some emotional support and talks you through how to thrive in the chaos.

How It Works

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style is a gorgeously designed PDF that spells out everything you need to know to leave the job that isn’t working for you. 

This is Beta Round 1 for this proprietary information and we’re still plotting how to make the material as digestible as possible. 

It’s the perfect time to purchase, however, because the early adopter price is 50% off during beta. You will receive any and all updates to the Guide (including any online video recordings walking through the material in more detail AND our PDF guide to Negotiating the Best Severance Deal) as they roll out!

In exchange, we’d love your feedback and would appreciate hearing how our Guide helped you feel more confident in making the leap!

All materials are provided in a PDF: you can download, access and print out immediately, making it convenient for you wherever you are in the world.

Get Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style Now!

By this time next month, you could be: ****

  • Taking some much deserved *paid* time off to contemplate your next great career move.
  • Starting the new, *better* job - where the boss totally appreciates all you do for the company
  • Bragging at brunch about how you survived that *tough* conversation where you tell your boss the work environment is not working for you.
  • Toasting that you asked for more severance *and got it!*

Heddy’s Work Fail Guide to Exiting in Style will get you there.

Join Us!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t want to make a scene when I leave?.... I like my boss!

This Guide is not about “sticking it to the man” (unless you want to) It’s designed to help you think through all of your options as you’re leaving and have knowledgeable conversations about possible ways you can exit your current job in a way that works for YOU. Our scripts are not written for people who want to burn bridges - but we fully support you if you want to adjust the language to do just that!

Is the Guide for me if I was already laid off?

Maybe. If you’ve already signed a Separation Agreement with your former employer a lot of details discussed in this Guide will have already been finalized - and it’s very hard to change things. The Guide could still help you with the heavy feelings that come with leaving a job or it could be useful information for your next gig - but a lot of the info may not apply to you at this moment.

Should I Buy the Guide if I want to stay at my job?

Yes! The Guide is designed to teach you about your rights as an employee. Once you understand where you stand (and how to talk about it with your boss) you’ll be better equipped to convince your boss that they want to keep you.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

You’re entitled to a two week (14) day refund from the date of purchase. If you buy The Guide and decide it’s not for you, just email us at megan@work-fail.com and let us know it didn’t work and we’ll refund you the full amount of the purchase.


Get The Guide to Exit in Style Now!

Walk away feeling smart and saavy (and ooze confidence) as you leave the thing that wasn't working and jump into something better!